Thursday, November 27, 2008


Well, it seems that I was preaching to myself on yesterday's post. I've known for about a week that I need to make amends with one of my friends. I saw him out in the water a couple of days ago, and we both just sort of ignored each other. I knew then that I should paddle over to him and say 'hi' and work things out. It just didn't seem like the 'right time'...

When I got out of the water today, he was standing in the parking lot with a bunch of my other friends just checking out the crowded surf. Right away I knew that now was my chance to 'practice what I preach'. I said hi to a couple of the guys and Pat (the friend in question) was standing with his back to me. I went up to him, put my hand on his shoulder, smiled and said 'Pat, are you still mad at me?', sort of jokingly. He looked at me and smiled and told me he was never really mad at me. We talked a bit and within about 30 seconds, things were back to normal between us.

It's funny how easy that was but how much weight fell off my shoulders from just this simple act of taking the initiative to do the right thing right now. Like I said yesterday - let's keep short accounts!

Happy Thanksgiving to all and blessings on you and your families.

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